A Shrine to Gandhi | An Memorable Stop on an India Tour

Mahatma Gandhi is known as one of the great leaders in history.  During the colonial rule of the British, he began protesting for self-government.  His legacy is the non-violent means by which he helped India gain independence from the British.  Gandhi’s peaceful campaign inspired civil rights movements around the world, which is why he is regarded as such an important figure in world history.  Upon his death, by assassination, his body was cremated and lays at the Raj Ghat.  This important historical attraction is visited by thousands of tourists each year to pay respects to this giant of a man.

As part of any India tour or tour of Delhi, it is of great importance to visit the shrine to who is known as the father of India.  While at the Raj Ghat you can also visit the Gandhi museum showing how he lived his life and the process he took to help India fulfill its dream of independence. The museum is filled with artifacts, journals, and documents from his life describing the immense struggle for freedom in what has become the world’s largest democracy.

The complex also contains trees planted by various world dignitaries to show respect to this fallen leader.  Presidents, prime ministers and even Queen Elizabeth have taken part in this tradition to show their love for this man who fought nonviolently to secure new lifeblood for over a billion people.  It is quite a spectacle on your India Tour to see the trees planted long ago by so many important people.

  • India Tour - New Delhi - Ghandi Smriti - Raj Ghat
    India Tour - New Delhi - Ghandi Smriti - Ghandi Museum
    India Tour - New Delhi - Ghandi Smriti - Ghandhi Statue

While on an India Tour to see the history of this special place, it is important to visit the Gandhi Smriti to show respect for this great man who did all he could to pull India away from its colonial masters.  Not only was he able to secure an independent future for India he was able to do it without the need for war.  It was one of the first times in history that a state was able to fulfill its destiny through non-violent means.  Without this powerful world figure, the Earth would be an entirely different place today.

The final resting place of Mahatma Gandhi may not hold the glamour and glitz of many of the other sites of an India tour but its importance in recent history provides it with an important place in the eyes of the world.

If you are planning a trip to Delhi or any of India’s great cities, Bains Travel is Canada’s most knowledgeable Travel Agency.  With offices in Vancouver, Surrey, Abbotsford, and Mississauga that services the entire Greater Toronto Area you can come in for a face-to-face discussion about an India Tour or just pick the phone anywhere in the United States or Canada to get a quote.  Call us at 1-888-340-7447 or email at [email protected].

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