Book direct flights from Air Canada to Delhi

If you are looking to travel to or from Canada there have been significant changes in how travel will be managed over the next few months.  The Canadian federal government announcement clarified that there will be new quarantine restrictions for all travellers entering Canada starting very soon.

The quarantine program will force all international travellers to take a PCR test at one of 4 major airports in Canada.  After testing you will be required to stay a minimum of 3 days in a hotel at your own expense while waiting for the results of your PCR test.  If your test is negative you can continue the rest of your quarantine period in the comfort of your own home, if you test positive you must stay at the government-mandated hotel for the rest of the 14 days.

While the hotel is inconvenient the cost will be a significant driver of your ability to secure Cheap India Flights.  All of the details have not been provided, but it has been stated that anyone entering the country should be prepared to spend at least $2,000 on quarantine.  This is a cost that will be added to any cheap India flight you can find.

The new restrictions are there to discourage most travel in and out of Canada.  Most new bookings for travellers are looking to stay a very long time in India, hoping to stay beyond any quarantine restrictions or people travelling for emergencies due to illness or death in the family.

For those people who have no choice but travel to India, fares are on the high side as lower prices are bringing in very few additional travellers.  If you are looking for a cheap India flight from Toronto to India you can find fares on the Air Canada direct flight to Delhi from $1,729.  If you need only a one-way flight from Toronto to Delhi, there are many cheap India flights starting from only $689.  For those looking to purchase a one-way flight from Delhi to Toronto, they can be found for $1,162.

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If you are planning to purchase a ticket on the direct flight from Vancouver to Delhi on Air Canada, fares can be found from only $1,679.  There are cheap India flights for one-way travellers going to India starting from only $679, but one-way fares from Delhi to Vancouver are much higher at $1,239.

While fares from India to Canada are causing the overall price of tickets to go up, that may change once the new quarantine rules are announced and people change their plans.

For many travellers who are already in India and were planning to return in March, they may delay their flights to avoid any quarantine.  This may free up space for those who have no choice but to make a short trip in February and March which would create some opportunity to find cheap India flights.

Overall, the news has not been great over the past 7 days for travellers going from Canada to India, but we are all hopeful that these new restrictions are temporary and can be lifted once more of the population has been vaccinated.

If you are want to find see last week’s cheap India flight blog, please click here.

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