Canada to India Flights Continue to Operate

This week on our Cheap India Flights update there has been little news on any changes between flights from Canada to India.  While the world suffers through the newest variant of COVID 19, the fact that both the direct flights from Air Canada and Air India between Toronto and New Delhi and Vancouver and New Delhi are still operating is great news.

Looking closely at the flights themselves they are extremely full, and because all passengers are being tested for COVID right before departure, there is almost no chance these flights will be suspended again!  While prices remain sky-high as demand for travel between Canada & India remains strong, there is little chance that there will be any type of flight ban impacting these essential travel connections.

In additional news, the Indian government continues to sign new agreements for travel bubbles with more countries with both Saudi Arabia & Australia being recent additions.

While any new services are greatly welcomed, the combination of the travel bubbles along with the Canadian government mandate for testing at the gate will continue to provide Air Canada & Air India almost total control and 100% market share of flights between the two countries.

We are very hopeful that this latest variant of COVID will be the one that finally allows the disease to come to a place where governments fully open up travel again.  Without the further relaxing of covid restrictions, it will continue to be difficult to find cheap India flights.

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For those looking to purchase a cheap India flight from Toronto to Delhi, many are looking to the spring as flights this winter have extremely limited capacity.  Even travelling this Spring is proving to be an expensive endeavour with the direct flight on Air Canada starting from $2,065.

If you want to look at travelling via a 3rd country there is a great option via Paria starting from only $1,310.  Unfortunately, there is still a significant risk to flying on an indirect route due to the extremely strict rules put in place by both the Indian & Canadian governments.

If you are flying out of Vancouver to Delhi and looking for a cheap India flight, you are going to have to hope that the travel bubbles are removed and the Canadian government allows testing from any lab in India.  Right now, because of the rules in place, most customers are booking only the direct flight on Air Canada or Air India.

This Spring you can book the direct flight on Air Canada to Delhi for $2,260, or if you want to take the risk of buying a flight via another country the option via France is only $1,290.  As you can see Air Canada & Air India can charge over and above a fair price due to the COVID restrictions.

Overall, not much has changed for those looking to purchase a cheap flight to India this year.  We should be thankful that the direct service has continued during this new wave and variant of COVID.  As we continue to be grateful for these flights, we are also looking forward to a positive 2022 with lower restrictions coming to flights between Canada and India.

While governments have put in place rules to protect their home carriers at the expense of their citizens, we believe this will have to come to an end at some point soon.  As our customers continue to search for cheap India flights, we have a strong commitment to helping with that search and we are hopeful that the rules will change soon to allow low-priced connections between Canada and India again.

If you are want to find see last week’s cheap India flight blog, please click here and remember Bains Travel is your go-to place for any India flights or India tours!

Contact us at 1.844.847.9703 to speak with one of our agents, or fill out the form below and one of our India Experts will get back to you shortly!

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